بوابة التدريسي
عمر محمد فخري سعد الدين (مدرس)

دكتوراه في الهندسة الميكانيكية - Fracture Mechanics
مركز الطاقة المتجددة - المراكز البحثية

معلومات عامة

من مواليد محافظة الانبار , الرمادي.

السكن الحالي : الانبار - الرمادي - الخمسة كيلو 

البحوث العلمية


  1. Distribution of Mode I Stress Intensity Factors for Single Circumferential Semi-Elliptical Crack in Thick Cylinder. 
  2. Influence coefficients for a single superficial cracked thick cylinder under torsion and bending moments. 
  3. Mode I SIFs for internal and external surface semi-elliptical crack located on a thin cylinder.
  4. Mechanisms and treatment of femoropopliteal in-stent restenosis.
  5. Comparative computational study of mechanical behavior in self-expanding femoropopliteal stents.
  6. A review on femoropopliteal arterial deformation during daily lives and nickel-titanium stent properties.
  7. A Systematic Review on Cardiovascular Stent and Stenting Failure: Coherent Taxonomy, Performance Measures, Motivations, Open Challenges and Recommendations.
  8. Design of a Hybrid Haptic Wearable Device for Upper Limb Amputees to Recover the Missing Sensation.
  9. A new empirical model to predict stress intensity factor for double interacting surface cracks located in hollow cylinder.
  10. A hybrid haptic stimulation wearable device to recover the missing sensation of the upper extremity prostheses’ users.
  11. A Hybrid Haptic Feedback Stimulation Prosthetic Device to Recover the Missing Sensation of Upper Extremity Amputees.


المحاضرات العلمية

الشهادات الاكاديمية

.Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering – Fracture Mechanics – Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia (UTHM)

.M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Design - Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India (JNTUH)

.BSc in Mechanical Engineering – University of Anbar, Anbar, Iraq


ارحب بالعمل مع طلبة الدراسات العليا كمشرف رئيسي او مشرف ثانوي داخل او خارج العراق في المواضيع التالية :


 .Fracture Mechanics, Structural Integrity, Fatigue & Fracture Analysis, Failure Analysis, Finite Element Analysis 



- عضو نقابة المهندسين العراقية .