effect adding some of the Fibrolytic Enzymes and Yeast to Turkish Awassi lambs on productive performance and in vivo digestibility

effect adding some of the Fibrolytic Enzymes and Yeast to Turkish Awassi lambs on productive performance and in vivo digestibility

(Assistant Professor )Khalid Dfeek Ahmed

Department of General Sciences

College of Basic Education Haditha - University of Anbar

This study was conducted at Al-Dawar Research Station at Anbar province/Department of Animal Resource Researches/Agricultural Researche Organization/Ministry of Agriculture, for a period from 19th March 2013 up to 5 July 3013. to investigate the effect adding the Fibrolytic Enzymes and Yeast to Awassi lambs on productive performance and In vivo digestibility. Use cellulase, xylanase, B-glucanase enzymes from Trichoderma fungi and live Yeast . 24 male lamb (Turkish Awassi) aged 3 - 4 months and 27± 0.52 kg average body weight were used in this study. Lambs were randomly divided into 4 equal groups (6 lambs/ group), control group , Fibrolytic enzymes group 3gm , Yeast group 3gm and mixed between fibrolytic enzymes 3gm and yeast 3gm, The results showed that use fibrolytic enzymes had significant effect( P< 0.05 ) on straw intake, total weight gain and no significant effect for fibrolytic enzymes on concentrate intake and feed conversion ratio ,The use of yeast had not significant effect on straw intake , concentrate intake, total weight gain, daily weight gain and feed conversion ratio, the mixed between fibrolytic enzymes and yeast had significant effect( P< 0.05 ) on straw intake , total weight gain compared with control group and yeast group and no significant effect on concentrate intake, daily weight and feed conversion ratio and use fibrolytic enzymes had significant effect (P< 0.05) on digestibility for DM, OM, CP, CF, EE compared with control group.

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