Quality Assurance and Accreditation Division

Quality Assurance and Accreditation Division 


Mohammed Ghazi Salman


 Quality Assurance and University Performance

The Division seeks to ensure high quality in all educational, research and administrative practices in the college by making the most of all the faculty's capabilities and resources and with the participation of all employees in the college to meet the needs of the community and the requirements of the labor market in accordance with national standards.


1- Work to ensure the quality of all the activities of the college, especially academic programs and scientific research

Promoting the quality culture in the college and strengthening quality procedures and mechanisms.

3- Conducting direct communication and coordination with the Department of Quality Assurance and Accreditation at Anbar University to follow up on quality assurance and accreditation processes.         

4- Follow-up the implementation of quality assurance programs and evaluation of performance for the college and make sure to understand the mechanisms when applying

Preparation, planning and follow-up aimed at making the self-assessment of the college's performance and various programs a success.

6- Compiling the results of the self-evaluation of the college's performance, analysing it, drawing strengths and weaknesses, and making the necessary proposals to develop and improve the college's performance as a step towards obtaining academic accreditation that enhances the quality of the college's educational process..

7- Compiling and analysing the results of studies and internal auditing, identifying strengths and weaknesses and submitting proposals to improve and develop the performance of the college.

8- Providing support for academic programs to achieve its goals.

9- Field visits to the college's departments and units.

10- Preparing the job description of all the employees of the college according to their categories and identifying the training needs to develop the job performance of the employees.

11- The establishment of a database of programs and degrees granted by the college and administrative units does not have the place to follow up the educational process .



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