Scientific article entitled Pollution of the Euphrates River in the city of Ramadi: causes and responibilies

Scientific article entitled Pollution of the Euphrates River in the city of Ramadi: causes and responibilies


 Scientific article entitled Pollution of the Euphrates River in the city of Ramadi: causes and responibilies


Assist. Prof. Muhammad Musleh Sharqi

The sources of fresh water in the world are sufficient if measured by the average current consumption, but the problem lies in that the water is not evenly distributed over the surface of the globe, and although the Euphrates River is still one of the most important rivers around the world, it faced many problems that affected it negatively, including these conditions  The changes that took place on the Euphrates River led to a decrease in its discharge levels that led to the spread of many types of living organisms in the river that were not present in the first place and were not that many. Also, the decrease in the river levels led to an increase in the concentration of some chemical elements, salts and physical variables of polluting importance that led to the change of the river life  Under these conditions, for example, the death of some living creatures in the river and their replacement by other species.  Many sectors contribute to the deterioration of water quality in the Euphrates River.  Below we mention the most prominent thing that we were able to monitor, which is the sewage, as polluted sewage is the basis for the waters of the Euphrates River.  And its waste affects the quality of the water, and it warns of its accumulation with a greater impact, especially in light of its size. As it is known, the number of current sewage estuaries is a large number within the city of Ramadi. The sewage water contains more than 15 dangerous and deadly diseases as a result of containing many types of organisms  Microorganisms such as bacteria, parasites and viruses in addition to heavy metals and toxic materials used in washing and cleaning, which threatens a health and environmental disaster that has no cure.  Also, draining the highly saline sewage water directly into the river without isolating it with special drainage streams is one of the noticeable sources of pollution.  The draining water results from the washing of saline agricultural lands, as the water resulting from the washing is saturated with chemicals, fertilizers and salts. Also, many governmental and private factories receive the remnants of their industrial operations directly into the river without accountability or control, with all the contents of these wastes of organic materials and insoluble minerals with other substances.  Toxic and deadly, in addition to car wash stations and engine oil exchanges, with all the resulting waste that goes to the river.  It is worth noting that the water purification plants that produce sterile water, but in return, the water leaving them in the form of waste has a high electrical conductivity value of up to 40%, and these outputs are thrown into the river, as there are many of these stations.  We also find many recreational places practicing different forms of environmental pollution, starting with throwing waste and plastic in the river and ending with linking the drainage systems in them directly to the body of the river.  The extent of the pollution resulting from dumping waste in the river can be observed when visiting any of the recreational sites near the river



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