بوابة التدريسي
سفيان تايه فرج كيطان الجنابي (أستاذ)

دكتوراه في أمن شبكات الحاسبات
رئيس لجنة الترقيات العلمية
نظم المعلومات - علوم الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات

معلومات عامة


الاســــــــــــم :  أ.د. سفيان تايه فرج الجنابي        

تاريخ ومكان الميـلاد :  29/1/1971  حديثة-الأنبار                                                             

التـخـصــص العلمي :  هندسة الاتصالات- أمن شبكات الحاسبات       

الوظيفـــــة :   تدريسي 
الدرجة العلمية :     أستاذ

عنوان العمل:  كلية علوم الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات- جامعة الانبار      

البريد إلالكتروني : sufyan.aljanabi@uoanbar.edu.iq

الاهتمامات البحثية :  أمن المعلومات،  شبكات الحاسوب وبرتوكولات الانترنت،  التشفير الكمي      

السيرة الذاتية


البحوث العلمية



Development of Optical Network Models for Quantum Cryptography; Iraqi Patent No.3009, 9/12/2001. LINK



INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES AND CONSTRUCTIVE APPROACHES IN COMPUTING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Special Issue (Ed.), Int. J. Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2012, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. LINK

QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY DISTRIBUTION IN OPTICAL NETWORKS, Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, 2016, ISBN 978-3-330-00474-0. LINK


Book Chapters

OPTICAL NETWORK MODELS FOR QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY, in “Security in the Information Society”, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, M. Adeeb Ghonaimy, Mahmoud T. El-Hadidi, and Heba K. Aslan, Eds., Springer-Verlag US,  Volume 86, 2002, pp 435-451, ISBN 978-0-387-35586-3. LINK

QUANTUM KEY DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS, in "Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Cryptology and Information Security", Sattar Sadkhan and Nidaa Abbas, Eds., IGI Global, 2014, ISBN13: 9781466658080; ISBN10: 1466658088; EISBN13: 9781466658097. LINK



Mahmood H. Farhan, Khalid Shaker, and Sufyan Al-Janabi, Copy-move forgery detection in digital image forensics: A survey; Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, Published online: 07 February 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-024-18399-2 LINK

Mahmoud H. Farhan, Khalid Shaker, Sufyan Al-Janabi, Efficient Approach for the Localization of Copy-Move Forgeries Using PointRend with RegNetX; Published Online First: Baghdad Science Journal, Online: September, 2023. https://dx.doi.org/10.21123/bsj.2023.8304 LINK

Detection of Fake Colorized Images based on Deep Learning

Secure Data Computation Using Deep Learning and Homomorphic Encryption: A Survey

Double Dual Convolutional Neural Network (D2CNN) for Copy-Move Forgery Detection

Fake Colorized Image Detection Based on Special Image Representation and Transfer Learning

Security Attacks on E-Voting System Using Blockchain

Using Metaheuristics (SA-MCSDN) Optimized for Multi-Controller Placement in Software-Defined Networking

A survey on provisioning and scheduling algorithms for scientific workflows in cloud computing

Valid Blockchain-Based E-Voting Using Elliptic Curve and Homomorphic Encryption

Fake Colorized Image Detection Approaches: A Review

Multi-Controllers Placement Optimization in SDN by the Hybrid HSA-PSO Algorithm

Using metaheuristics to improve the placement of multi-controllers in software-defined networking enabled clouds

Enhanced Iterated Local Search for Scheduling of Scientific Workflows

Saba Abdul-Baqi Salman, Sufyan Al-Janabi, Ali Makki Sagheer, A Review on E-Voting Based on Blockchain Models; Iraqi Journal of Science (IJS) (EISSN: 2312-1637, ISSN: 0067-2904, CiteScore: 0.3), Vol. 63, No. 3, March 2022, pp. 1362-1375. DOI: 10.24996/ijs.2022.63.3.38. LINK

Alaa Abdalqahar Jihad, Sufyan T. Faraj Al-Janabi, and Esam Taha Yassen, Optimized scheduling of scientific workflows based on iterated local search; Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (CiteScore: 2.0, ISSN: 2502-4752), Vol.25, No.3, March 2022, pp. 1615-1624, DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v25.i3.pp1615-1624. LINK

Noor Mahmoud Ibrahim, Sufyan T. Faraj Al-Janabi, Belal Al-Khateeb, Electricity-Theft Detection in Smart Grid Based on Deep Learning, Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol.10, No.4, August 2021, pp. 2285-2292, ISSN: 2302-9285, DOI: 10.11591/eei.v10i4.2875. LINK

Amjad H. Shehab and Sufyan T. Faraj Al-Janabi, Microsoft Azure IoT-based Edge Computing for Smart Homes; 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA), Sakheer, Bahrain, 8-9 Nov. 2020, pp. 315-319, doi: 10.1109/DASA51403.2020.9317274. LINK

Sameer I. Ali Al-Janabi, Sufyan T. Faraj Al-Janabi and Belal Al-Khateeb, Image Classification using Convolution Neural Network Based Hash Encoding and Particle Swarm Optimization; 2020 International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry: Way Towards a Sustainable Economy (ICDABI), Sakheer, Bahrain, 26-27 Oct. 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICDABI51230.2020.9325655. LINK

Ali A. Abdul Lateef, Sufyan T. Faraj Al-Janabi and Belal Al-Khateeb, Hybrid Intrusion Detection System Based on Deep Learning; 2020 International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry: Way Towards a Sustainable Economy (ICDABI), Sakheer, Bahrain, 26-27 Oct. 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICDABI51230.2020.9325669. LINK

Noor Hamad Abid and Sufyan Al-Janabi, The Secure I-Voting System Helios++; International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (e-ISSN: 2210-142X, CiteScore = 0.4, SJR = 0.108), University of Bahrain, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 77-83, Jan. 2021. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12785/ijcds/100108  LINK

Wael Ali Hussien and Sufyan Al-Janabi, Using DSDM for Developing Graduate Study Based Cryptanalysis Projects; i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, 2020 LINK

Ahmed J. Abd and Sufyan Al-Janabi, Classification and Identification of Classical Cipher Type Using Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 11, pp. 3549-3556, 2019. DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2019.3549.3556. LINK

Ali Azzawi, Sufyan Al-Janabi, and Belal Al-Khateeb, Survey on Intrusion Detection Systems based on Deep Learning; Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, ISSN 2303-4521, Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2019, pp.1074-1095, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/pen.v7i3.635. LINK

Amjad Shehab and Sufyan Al-Janabi, Edge Computing: Review and Future Directions; REVISTA AUS Journal, Special Issue No. 26-2, 2019, pp. 368-380. / DOI: 10.4206/aus.2019.n26.2.45. 

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Noor Hamad Abid, Security of Internet Voting Schemes: A Survey; REVISTA AUS Journal, Special Issue No. 26-2, 2019, pp. 260-270. / DOI: 10.4206/aus.2019.n26.2.33. 

Noor Hamad Abid and Sufyan Al-Janabi, A Framework for I-Voting based on Helios and Public-Key Certificates; REVISTA AUS Journal, Special Issue No. 26-2, 2019, pp. 234-243. / DOI: 10.4206/aus.2019.n26.2.30. 

Sameer Al-Janabi, Sufyan Al-Janabi, and Belal Al-Khateeb, Image Retrieval using Neural Network based Hash Encoding: A Survey; REVISTA AUS Journal, Special Issue No. 26-2, 2019, pp. 396-409. / DOI: 10.4206/aus.2019.n26.2.48/. 

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Belal Al-Khateeb, and Ahmed J. Abd, Intelligent Techniques in Cryptanalysis: Review and Future Directions, UHD Journal of Science and Technology, University of Human Development (UHD), Sulaimaniya, KRG- Iraq, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-9, 2017, DOI: 10.21928/uhdjst.v1n1y2017.pp1-10LINK

Dana Kareem Ghareeb and Sufyan Al-Janabi, Real-Life Enhancement of QoE for Social Network Applications, Annual Conference on New Trends in Information & Communications Technology Applications (NTICT 2017), Baghdad, 7-9 March 2017 pp. 63-68 (978-1-5386-2962-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 63). LINK

Ali Jamal, Belal Al-Khateeb, and Sufyan Al-Janabi, Query Reformulation Using WordNet and Genetic Algorithm; Annual Conference on New Trends in Information & Communications Technology Applications (NTICT 2017), Baghdad, 7-9 March 2017, pp. 91-96 (978-1-5386-2962-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 91). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, On the Necessity of Establishing a National Cybersecurity Testbed, Journal of University of Human Development, Vol.2, No.4, Dec. 2016, pp. 428-436. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Wael Ali Hussien, Architectural Design of General Cryptanalysis Platform for Pedagogical Purposes, i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1, July - September 2016, pp.1-12, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.11.1.8189LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Towards a Framework for Supporting Unconditionally-Secure Authentication Services within E-Government Infrastructures, Journal of University of Human Development, Vol.2, No.3. August 2016 /pp490-497.
http://dx.doi.org/10.21928/juhd.20160203.24. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Dana Kareem Ghareeb, Proposed Approach for Enhancement of QoE to Support e-Society, Journal of University of Human Development, Vol.2, No.3. August 2016 /pp534-541. LINK

Ali Jamal, Belal Al-Khateeb, and Sufyan Al-Janabi, Web Search Enhancement Using WordNet Query Expansion Technique, Journal of University of Human Development, Vol.2, No.3. August 2016 /pp542-547. LINK

Alaa K. Jumaa, Sufyan Al-Janabi, and Nazar Ali, An Enhanced Algorithm for Hiding Sensitive Association Rules Based on ISL and DSR Algorithms, International Journal of Computing and Network Technology (IJCNT), University of Bahrain, Bahrain, No. 3, Vol.3, Sept. 2015, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12785/IJCNT/030301. LINK

Alaa K. Jumaa, Sufyan Al-Janabi, and Nazar Ali, Hiding Association Rules over Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining; Kirkuk University Journal- Scientific Studies, Vol. 9, No.1, 2014, pp. 59-72. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Ali Jubair Dawood, and Abeer D. Salman, Enhancing the Security and Privacy of WBAN-Based Distributed Storage Systems;  Journal of UHD Journal, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 288-294, 2015 (Papers of the 1st  Scientific Conference of the University of Human Development, Sulaimaniya, Iraq, 1-2 April 2014). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Ali Jubair Dawood, and Ekram H. Hassan, Development and Simulation of Enhanced Key Management Scheme for WBANs; Journal of UHD, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 280-287, April 2015 (Papers of the 1st  Scientific Conference of the University of Human Development, Sulaimaniya, Iraq, 1-2 April 2014). LINK

Foad S. Mubarek, Sufyan Al-Janabi, and Kashif Kifayat, Efficient Symmetric and Heterogeneous Mobile Group-Based Key Management Protocol; the 6th International Conference on Developments in e-Systems Engineering (DeSE2013), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 16-18 Dec. 2013. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Ali Jubair Dawood, and Ikram H. Hasan, Biometric-Based Authentication and Key Management Scheme for WBANs; i-manager's Journal on Information Technology (JIT), Vol. 2, No. 2, March-May, 2013, pp. 23-31, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26634/jit.2.2.2286. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Waleed Kareem Awad, and Kashif Kifayat, Trusted E-Contracts in Collaborative Intra-Cloud Business-to-Business Environments; i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems (JCS), Vol. 2, No. 3, May – July, 2013, pp. 1-12, https://doi.org/10.26634/jcs.2.3.2331. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Ali Jubair Dawood, and Abeer D. Salman, Distributed Data Security and Privacy in WBAN-Related e-Health Systems; AL-Mansour Journal, No.20, pp. 121-132, 2013 (Special Issue of the Proceeding of The 12th Scientific Conference of Al-Mansour University College, Baghdad, Iraq, 4-5 May 2013). LINK

Alaa K. Jumaa, Sufyan Al-Janabi, and Nazar Ali, Hiding Sensitive Frequent Itemsets over Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining; Rafidain J. of Comp. & Maths. (Special Issue of the 5th Scientific Conference on Information Technology, Dec. 19-20, 2012), Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 91-105, University of Mosul, Iraq, 2013. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Sameeh Jasim, and Kashif Kifayat, Mediated IBC-Based Management System of Identity and Access in Cloud Computing, The 3rd Engineering Conference, College of Engineering, Tikrit University, 11-12 December 2012 (Appeared in Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp.75-86, 2013). LINK

Alaa K. Jumaa, Sufyan Al-Janabi, and Nazar Ali, Privacy-Preserving Distributed Knowledge Discovery: Survey and Future Directions; Special Issue: Intelligent Techniques and Constructive Approaches in Computing and Information Technology, Sufyan Al-Janabi and Jawad Ali, Eds., Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, Int. J. Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2012, pp. 235-244. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Mohammed I. Salman, and Omar Abul Maati, Message Ferrying-Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (MF-AODV) Protocol, The 13th Annual Post Graduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting (PGNET 2012), 25th and 26th June 2012, Liverpool, UK, pp. 328-333. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Yaseen S. Yaseen,  and Bob Askwith, The Bus Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (BAODV) Routing Protocol; The 13th Annual Post Graduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting (PGNET 2012), 25th and 26th June 2012, Liverpool, UK, pp. 7-12. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Hussien Khalid Abdul-Razzaq, Email Security Using Two Cryptographic Hybrids of Mediated and Identity-Based Cryptography; i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering (JSE), Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 1-12, January-March 2012, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.6.3.1786. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Amer Kais Obaid, Development of Certificate Authority Services for Web Applications; Proceedings of the First International Conference on Future Communication Networks (ICFCN ’2012), pp. 135-140, Baghdad, Iraq, 10-12 April 2012 (IEEE Xplore). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Sameeh Jasim, and Kashif Kifayat, Management of Identity and Access in the Cloud; Proceedings of the Second Conference of College of Computer, University of Anbar (CCIT 2012), Ramadi, Iraq, 4-5 April 2012 (Special Issue: Journal of University of Anbar for Pure Science, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2012, pp. 22-33). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Waleed Kareem Awad, and Kashif Kifayat, Trusted Cloud Computing; Proceedings of the Second Conference of College of Computer, University of Anbar (CCIT 2012), Ramadi, Iraq, 4-5 April 2012 (Special Issue: Journal of University of Anbar for Pure Science, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2012, pp. 6-13). LINK

Foad Mubarek and Sufyan Al-Janabi, Key Management Scheme for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks; Proceedings of the Second Conference of College of Computer, University of Anbar (CCIT 2012), Ramadi, Iraq, 4-5 April 2012(Special Issue: Journal of University of Anbar for Pure Science, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2012, pp. 58-64). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Yaseen S. Yaseen, Performance Evaluation of AODV and DSDV Routing Protocols Using CityMob in VANETs, i-manager's Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems (JCS), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-10, November 2011 - January 2012, https://doi.org/10.26634/jcs.1.1.1726. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and David Anderson, Reforming the Higher Education System in Iraq: Internationalization via Decentralization, i-manager's Journal of Educational Technology, Volume 8, No. 3, pp. 1-14, October – December Issue, 2011, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.8.3.1634. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Ali Shuaib, Simulation Study of Wired/Wireless Fieldbus Systems Using Store and Forward Mode, Engineering and Technology Journal, University of Technology, Baghdad, Vo1. 29, No. 16, pp. 3271-3290, 2011. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Ali Makki Sagheer, Enhancement of E-Government Security Based on Quantum Cryptography, Proceedings of the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2011), Naif Arab University for Security Science (NAUSS), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 11-14 December 2011. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Mayada Rasheed, Public-Key Cryptography Enabled Kerberos Authentication, Proceedings of theFourth International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE ’2011), The British University in Dubai, UAE, 6th-8th December 2011, pp. 209-214 (IEEE Xplore). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Hadeel Amjad Saed, A Neural Network-Based Anomaly Intrusion Detection System; Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE ’2011), The British University in Dubai, UAE, 6th-8th December 2011, pp. 221-226 (IEEE Xplore). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Khalida Shaaban Rijab, and Ali Makki, Video Encryption Based on Special Huffman Coding and Rabbit Stream Cipher, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE ’2011), The British University in Dubai, UAE, 6th-8th December 2011, pp. 413-418 (IEEE Xplore). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Ruqaya Rabee Hashim, Key Reconciliation Techniques in Quantum Key Distribution, Proceedings of the First Engineering Conference of the College of Engineering, University of Anbar, Ramadi, Iraq, 20-21 November 2011.

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Neema Enad, Development of an Anti-Censorship System, Proceedings of the First Engineering Conference of the College of Engineering, University of Anbar, Ramadi, Iraq, 20-21 November 2011.

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Muayad S. Kod, On the Development of NDIS Intermediate Driver-Based Virtual Private Networks, Proceedings of the Third International Scientific Conference of Salahaddin University-Erbil, 18-20 October 2011.

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Saif Bassam, Proxy-Based Internet Gateways, Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference on Applied Scientific Research, Babylon University, Babylon, Iraq, 30-31 May 2011.

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Zainab Ali, Development of Secure e-Payment System, Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference on Applied Scientific Research, Babylon University, Babylon, Iraq, 30-31 May 2011.

Sufyan Al-Janabi, A Framework for Management of Water Resources Based on Internet-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks, University of Anbar Symposium on Water Resources, Ramadi, 22-23 March 2011.

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Hussien Khalid Abdul-Razzaq, Combining Mediated and Identity-Based Cryptography for Securing E-Mail; The International Conference on Digital Enterprise and Information Systems (DEIS2011), London Metropolitan Business School, pp. 1-15, UK, July 20-22, 2011 (Springer). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Omer K. Jasim, Reducing the Authentication Cost in Quantum Cryptography; The 12th Annual Post Graduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting (PGNet2011), pp. 363-368, 27th?28th June 2011, Liverpool, UK. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Nahrainfish: A Green Cryptographic Block Cipher; The First Saudi International Electronics, Communications and Electronics Conference (SIECPC'11), April 23-26, 2011 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (IEEE Xplore). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Joseph E. Urban, Strategic Plan for Enhancing Higher Education Computing Degree Programs in Iraq; IEEE EDUCON Education Engineering, pp. 86-90, April 4 - 6, 2011, Amman, Jordan (IEEE Xplore). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and William Sverdlik, Towards Long-Term International Collaboration in Computer Science Education; IEEE EDUCON Education Engineering, pp. 94-100, April 4 - 6, 2011, Amman, Jordan (IEEE Xplore). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Omar A. Athab, and Kasim M. Al-Aubidy, Windows-Based Active-Router Architecture, Journal of University of Anbar for Pure Science, Vol.4, No.3, pp.112-119, 2010. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Integrating Quantum Cryptography into SSL; Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal, Vol. 5, Special Issue of Ubiquitous Computing Security Systems, pp. 1778-1788, 2010.

Sufyan Al-Janabi and David Anderson, Balancing Centralization and Decentralization in Iraqi Higher Education; Proceedings of the Midwest Regional Comparative and International Society Conference, MI, USA, October 29-30, 2010.  

William Sverdlik and Sufyan Al-Janabi, Enhancement of Student Programming Skills Using Distributed Collaborative Programming; Proceedings of the Midwest Regional Comparative and International Society Conference, MI, USA, October 29-30, 2010.

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Omar A. Athab, and Kasim M. Al-Aubidy, Windows-based Active-Router Design and EvaluationProceedings of the 6th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD’09), Vol. III, Tunisia March 23-26, 2009 (IEEE Xplore). LINK

Saad Al-Tak and Sufyan Al-Janabi, Hybrid Wired/Wireless Profibus Timing Analysis Under Transient Faults; i-Manager's Journal on Software Engineering, (July-Sep., 2008): 12-22, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.3.1.296. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, A Novel Extension of SSL/TLS Based on Quantum Key Distribution; Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008 (ICCCE08), VOLUME I, pp. 919-922, Malaysia, May 13-15, 2008 (IEEE Xplore). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Nidhal Ezzat, and Sinan Ghassan, Investigation of Java Smart Card Technology for Multi-Task Applications; (The First Scientific Conference of College of Computer, University of Anbar - CCIT2008), Journal of University of Anbar for Pure Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 12-23, 2008. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Towards a Strategy for the Sustainable Development of IT Section in A-Anbar Province; Symposium of Sustainable Development of Al-Anbar, University of Anbar, Ramadi, Iraq, March 2008.  

Sufyan Al-Janabi, A New Block Cipher (Nahrainfish) Based on Some AES Finalists; Journal of University of Anbar for Pure Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 111-125, 2007. LINK

Saad Al-Tak and Sufyan Al-Janabi, PROFIBUS Timing Analysis Under Transient Faults; Asian Journal of Information Technology, Medwell Online, Vol.6, No.7, pp. 806-816, 2007. LINK

Saad Al-Tak and Sufyan Al-Janabi, Inaccessibility in PROFIBUS due to transient faults; Proceedings of the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT' 2007), Syria, 26-28 November 2007. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Media A. Ali, Design and Implementation of SET-Enabled E-Commerce System; Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Al-Mustansiriya University, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 31-49, 2008 (A preliminary version of it appeared in the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT' 2007), Al-Zaytoonah University, Jordan, May 9-11, 2007). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Unconditionally Secure Authentication in Quantum Key Distribution; Iraqi Journal of Computers, Communication, Control, and Systems Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 47-63, 2006 (A preliminary version under the title Defeating a man-in-the-middle attack in quantum key distribution appeared in the Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP’06), Patras, Greece, 2006). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, General Two-Party Oblivious Circuit Evaluation; Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2006), pp. 210-213, KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA, 16-19 December 2006 (IEEE Xplore). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Towards Arab Scientific Collaboration in the Field of Quantum Cryptography; Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Scientific Research and Technological Development Outlook in the Arab World, Damascus, Syria, 11-14 December 2006.

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Firas Rasmi, Design and Implementation of a Transparent Secure LAN; Journal of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 1063 - 1076, 2006 (A preliminary version appeared in the Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Scientific Research and Technological Development Outlook in the Arab World, Riyadh, KSA, April 2004). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi and Mohammed Tariq, Secure E-Mail System Using S/MIME and IB-PKC; Engineering and Technology Journal, University of Technology, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 646-668, 2007 (A preliminary version appeared in the Proceeding of the 6th International Philadelphia Engineering Conference (IPEC 2006), Amman, Jordan, 19-21 Sept. 2006, pp. 713-722. LINK

Mohammed Tawfiq, and Sufyan Al-Janabi, and Abdul-Kareem Kadhim, Key Exchange Protocol Supporting Mobility and Multihoming; Anbar Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.11-30, 2007. LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, A Novel Quantum Cryptographic Error Elimination Technique Using Simple Hamming Codes; Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Remote Sensing for Earth Observation Systems, KACST and ISPRS, Riyadh, KSA, May 2005 (A preliminary version of it appeared in the Journal of Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, No. 2, Vol. 8, Iraq, June 2002.

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Toward Commercial Applications of Quantum Cryptography in Arab Countries; Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Remote Sensing for Earth Observation Systems, KACST and ISPRS, Riyadh, KSA, May 2005.

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Building Cryptographic Primitives Based on Single–Channel Quantum Cryptography; Journal of Engineering and Development, College of Engineering, Al-Mustansiriya University, Vol. 6, No. 5, Baghdad, Iraq, December 2002.

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Two-Party Oblivious Circuit Evaluation; Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on CCCSE, Baghdad, Iraq, December 2002.

Saleem Taha, Sufyan Al-Janabi, and Mostafa Abdul-Jabbar, Protocol Conversion Between ADLP80 and IEC870 Communication Protocol Standards using Formal Methods; Journal of Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, No. 3, Vol. 8, Iraq, September 2002.

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Fawzi Al-Naima, and Siddeeq Ameen, Quantum Cryptographic Key Distribution in Multiple-Access Networks; Proceeding of 16th IFIP World Computer Congress, Vol. I, pp. 42-49, China, August 2000 (IEEE Xplore). LINK

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Fawzi Al-Naima, and Siddeeq Ameen, Error Elimination and Privacy Amplification in Single-Channel Quantum Cryptography; Proceeding of 2nd National Conference on Data and Computer Security, Baghdad, Iraq, February 2000.

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Fawzi Al-Naima, and Siddeeq Ameen, Simulation of a Quantum Cryptographic Protocol; Proceedings of Al-Hadba’ Conference on Informatics and Software Engineering, Mosul, Iraq, April 2000.

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Fawzi Al-Naima, and Siddeeq Ameen, Quantum Cryptography: A New Dimension in Optical Network Security; Proceedings of 9th National Computer Center Conference, Baghdad, Iraq, December 1999 (An extended version appeared in the Journal of Computers, National Computer Center, Iraq, 2000).  

Sufyan Al-Janabi, Fawzi Al-Naima, and Siddeeq Ameen, Development of New Secure Optical Network Models Based on Quantum Cryptography; Proceedings of the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils Conference on Super-Highway Networks, Algeria, September 1999 (An extended version appeared in FASRC Journal- Selected Research Papers, No. 1, pp. 1-15, 2001).

Majid Al-Taee, Sufyan Al-Janabi, and Kadir Al-Shara, Microprocessor Controlled Voltage Regulator for Space-Based Power Systems; Journal of Nahrain University: Engineering, Vol.2, No.2, pp. 1-12, Baghdad, Iraq, October 1998 (A preliminary version appeared in the Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, CSS and IEEE, Egypt, 1996).



المحاضرات العلمية

السلسل المادة اسم المحاضرة المرحلة التحميل مشاهدة
1 الامنية مقدمة عن الامنية الرابعة
2 الامنية نماذج أمنية المعلومات الرابعة
3 الامنية أساليب التشفير النمطي 1 الرابعة
4 الامنية الهجمات الاحصائية الرابعة
5 الامنية أساليب التشفير النمطي 2 الرابعة
6 الامنية الشفرات متعددة الهجائية الرابعة
7 الامنية الشفرات المقطعية الرابعة
8 الامنية الشفرة القياسية للبيانات الرابعة
9 الامنية نظرية المجموعات الرابعة
10 الامنية الحلقات والحقول الجبرية الرابعة
11 الامنية رياضيات الوحدات الرابعة
12 الامنية الحقول المنتهية الأولية الرابعة
13 الامنية استخدام الشفرات المقطعية في الانظمة الواقعية الرابعة
14 الامنية أوضاع الاشتغال الرابعة
15 الامنية مفاهيم تشفير المفتاح المعلن الرابعة
16 الامنية نظام ر. س. أ. وأمنيته الرابعة
17 الامنية سيطرة الدخول 1: التوثيق الرابعة
18 الامنية هجمات القاموس الرابعة
19 الامنية سيطرة الدخول 2: التفويض الرابعة
20 الامنية أنظمة الكابشا الرابعة
21 الامنية البرامجيات الضارة الرابعة
22 الامنية مثال فايروس مبسط الرابعة
23 الامنية الشفرات الانسيابية الرابعة
24 الامنية شفرة ر. سي. 4 الرابعة
25 الامنية رياضيات متعددات الحدود الرابعة
26 الامنية متعددات الحدود في GF(2) الرابعة
27 الامنية الحقول المنتهية بصيغة 2^n الرابعة
28 الامنية الرياضيات في GF(2^n) الرابعة
29 الامنية الشفرة القياسية المتقدمة 1 الرابعة
30 الامنية الشفرة القياسية المتقدمة 2 الرابعة
31 الامنية تشفير المفتاح المعلن لتبادل المفاتيح السرية الرابعة
32 الامنية التجزئة لتوثيق الرسائل الرابعة
33 Information Systems Security I & II References الرابعة

الشهادات الاكاديمية


الدرجة العلمية


الكــليــــة والقسم




جامعة النهرين -


كلية الهندسة - قسم الهندسة الألكترونية والاتصالات



جامعة النهرين -


كلية الهندسة - قسم الهندسة الألكترونية والاتصالات




جامعة النهرين -


كلية الهندسة - قسم الهندسة الألكترونية والاتصالات






Khalid Abdul-Ghani Salman, Improving Fake Colorized Images Detection using Deep Learning, University of Anbar, Ph.D., 2021.

Anmar Ali Mohammed, Deep Learning over Encrypted Data, University of Anbar, Ph.D., 2021.

Alaa Abdulqahar Jihad, Provisioning and Scheduling for Scientific Workflows in Cloud Computing, University of Anbar, Ph.D., 2020.

Saba Abdulbaqi Salman, Secure e-Voting based on Blockchain Technology, University of Anbar, Ph.D., 2020.

Mahmood Hilal Farhan, Detection and Localization of Splicing and Copy-Move Forgeries in Digital Media, University of Anbar, Ph.D., 2020.

Nema Sattar Raddam, Multi-Controller Optimization in Software-Defined Networking enabled Clouds, University of Anbar, Ph.D., 2020.

Noor Mahmood Ibraheem, Electricity-Theft Detection in Smart Grids based on Deep Learning, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2019.

Ibrahim Saud khalil, Secure e-Voting based on Quantum Cryptography, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2019.

Ali Azzawi Abdul-Lateef, Intrusion Detection System based on Deep Learning, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2018.

Noor Hamad Abed, Design and Implementation of I-Voting System, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2018.

Sameer Ismail Ali, Neural Network based Hash Coding, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2018.

Amjad Hameed Shehab, Development of Enhanced Modules for Edge Computing in Heterogeneous Environment, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2017.

Ahmed Jumaa Abed, Development of Automated Cryptanalysis Tool for Classical Ciphers, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2016.

Dana Kareem Hama, Enhancing QoS and QoE for National ISPs Services in Responding to New User Demands, University of Sulaimaniya, M.Sc., 2016.

Wael Ali Hussien, Using Software Engineering Techniques for the Design and Implementation of Cryptanalysis Platform, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2015.

Ali Jamal Hilal, Towards an Intelligent Search Engine, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2014.

Ekram Habeeb Hussan, Biometric-Based Authentication and Key Management in WBANs for m-Health, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2013.

Abeer Dawood Salman, Distributed Data Security and Privacy in WBAN-Related e-Health Systems, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2013.

Sameeh Abdulghafour Jassim, Identity and Access Management in Cloud Computing, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2012.

Waleed Kareem Awad, Building Trust in Cloud Computing, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2012.

Alaa Khaleel Al-Hadithy, Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining, University of Sulaimaniya, Ph.D., 2011.

Fouad Saleem Mubarak, Secure Routing and Key Management in Dynamic WSNs, University of Mosul, Ph.D., 2011.

Yaseen Salim Yaseen, Enhanced Routing Protocols for VANETs, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2011.

Mohammed Ibrahim Salman, Message Ferrying in Clustered MANETs, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2011.

Hadeel Amjad Sayeed, Neural Network Based Anomaly Intrusion Detection, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2010.

Mayada Abdul-Salam Rasheed, Public-Key Cryptography Enabled Kerberos Authentication, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2010.

Hussien Khalid Abdul-Razzaq, Secure E-Mail System Using Mediated and Identity-Based Cryptography, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2010.

Omer Kareem Jasim, Study and Analysis of the Cost of Unconditional Authentication in QKD, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2009.

Ruqayah Rabee Hashim, Key Reconciliation in Quantum Cryptography, University of Anbar, M.Sc., 2009.

Amer Kais, Design and Implementation of Certificate Authority System, University of Technology, M.Sc., 2008.

Ali Shuaib, Simulation Study of Wired/Wireless Fieldbus Systems, University of Technology, M.Sc., 2008.

Khalida Shabaan Rijab, Design and Implementation of Efficient Video Encryption System, University of Technology, Ph.D., 2007.

Saad Hazim Al-Tak, Timing Analysis of Hybrid Wired/Wireless PROFIBUS Networks Under Transient Faults, University of Baghdad, Ph.D., 2007.

Omer Ali Athab, Active and Programmable Networking System, University of Baghdad, Ph.D., 2007.

Mohammed Athab Mohammed, Neural Network Based Authentication System, University of Technology, M.Sc., 2007.

Nema Enad Kadhum, Covertness and Confidentiality of the Infranet Anti-Censorship System, University of Baghdad, M.Sc., 2007.

Mohammed Ali Tawfiq, Security of IP-Based Mobile Access Networks with QoS Support, University of Technology, Ph.D., 2006.

Sinan Ghassan Abid, Design and Implementation of Open Platform Multi-Task Java Card Applets, University of Baghdad, M.Sc., 2006.

Mohammed Tariq Ibrahim, Secure E-Mail System Using S/MIME and Identity-Based Cryptography, University of Baghdad, M.Sc., 2006.

Alaa Mohammed Abdul-Hadi, Design and Implementation of Windows 2000 Based Firewall System, University of Baghdad, M.Sc., 2005.

Wisam Dhiya Al-Taee, Implementing Web Security Using SSL/TLS, University of Al-Nahrain, M.Sc., 2005.

Muayad Salim Kud, Implementation of Virtual Private Network Using Transport Mode, University of Al-Nahrain, M.Sc., 2005.

Media Abdul-Razzaq Ali, Design and Implementation of SET-Enabled E-Commerce System, University of Mustansiriya, M.Sc., 2005.

Zainab Hussain, Development of Heterogeneous Database Simulation for CAP E-Commerce System, University of Baghdad, M.Sc., 2005.

Saif-Aldeen Mehdi Al-Bassam, Design and Implementation of an Internet Firewall Using the Proxy Technique, University of Basrah, M.Sc., 2005.

Firas Rasmi Barjas, Design and Implementation of a Transparent Secure LAN, University of Baghdad, M.Sc., 2004.

Mustafa Mohammed Abdul-Jabbar, Protocol Conversion between ADLP80 and IEC870 Communication Protocol Standards Using Formal Methods, University of Baghdad, M.Sc., 2002.



الجوائز والزمالات البحثية

The RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative (RACI) Fellowship for the Middle East Network Operators Group (MENOG 17), Muscat, Oman, 2017

Research Fellowship, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 2012

DELHPE-Iraq Visiting Scholar Fellowship 2011

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program (FVSP) Fellowship 2010

Iraq Scientist Engagement Program (ISEP) Fellowship 2009

Winner of the 1st and 2nd Awards for the Best Research Paper in Information Security from the Association of Arab Universities (AARU), Jordan, 2003

عضوية الهيئات العلمية

Iraqi Engineers Union (IEU) - Consultant Engineer

Member of  IEEE - Communications, Computer, and Information Theory Societies

Association for Computing Machinery ACM

American Society for Engineering Education ASEE

International Association for Cryptologic Research IACR

Intel Academic Community Intel.com

Arab Computer Society ACS

Member of the Internet Society