بوابة التدريسي
ياسر محسن يوسف حنظل العاني (مدرس مساعد)

ماجستير في علوم الحياة / علم البيئة
علوم الحياة - العلوم

معلومات عامة

التولد : بغداد / 2/1/1984

البلد : العراق

اللغات : الانجليزية , العربية

العنوان الدائم : العراق - الانبار - الرمادي


البحوث العلمية

Yousif Y. M. and Abdulhay H. S. , 2017 . Bioethanol production from banana peels using different pretreatments. Asian J. of Biol. and Life Sci. 6(3):408-412 Link.

Yousif Y. M. and Abdulhay H. S. , 2017 . Effect of different pretreatment for Bioethanol production from corncobs substrate . Indian J. of Natural Sci. 8(45):12869-12876 Link.

Saod W M, Yousif Y M, Abdulrahman M F and Mohammed A H. 2021. Water quality index along the Euphrates between the cities of Al-Qaim and Falluja: A comparative study.  IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science (779) 012058. Link

Abdulrahman M. F., Yousif Y. M. , Saod W. M. and Al-Heety E. A. 2021. Effect of Discharge on Water Quality in Euphrates River Between Hit and Ramadi, Iraq. Iraqi Geological Journal. 54 (2B), 100-110. Link

Al-Kubaisi M.H. D., Al-Heety E A. M. S. and Yousif Y. M. 2021. Application of Organic Indicators and Overall Index to Assess the Level of Water Pollution in Habbaniya Lake, Iraq. Iraqi Geological Journal. 54 (2A), 93-102. Link


المحاضرات العلمية

الشهادات الاكاديمية

بكالوريوس علوم - قسم علوم الحياة / جامعة الانبار / كلية العلوم للعام الدراسي 2004-2005

ماجستير علوم - قسم علوم الحياة / تخصص علم البيئة / جامعة بغداد / كلية العلوم سنة 2018


لا يوجد


Preparatory Committee


University of Anbar / College of Science

First Scientific Conference of Pure Sciences



University of Anbar / College of Science

Second Scientific Conference of Pure Sciences

Preparatory Committee


Technology University

Joint Scientific Symposium with the University of Technology

Coordination Committee


University of Anbar / College of Science

The first scientific conference for the distribution of petroleum products / Anbar Branch in cooperation with College of Science / University of Anbar



University of Baghdad / College of Science

Second Scientific Conference for Postgraduate Students



University of Anbar / College of Science

Scientific Symposium on Environment and Pollution



University of Anbar / College of Science

Seminar on "Water Quality Laboratories: Evidence of the Healthy State of Rivers"