بوابة التدريسي
ثامرعبدالمجيد حميد ثامر الكبيسي (أستاذ مساعد)

دكتوراه في الامراض الجلدية والزهرية

فرع الطب الباطني - كلية الطب

معلومات عامة

الأسم  : ثامر عبد المجيد حميد

محل وتأريخ الولادة : الانبار-1975

الجنس : ذكر

محل السكن: الانبار- رمادي

البريد الإلكتروني :  med.thamer.alkubaisi@uoanbar.edu.iq


البحوث العلمية

Treatment of chronic, ulcerative cutaneous vasculitis. Clinical and pathological study. (2006) Fulfillment of FIBMS

Eccrine hidrocystoma. A clinical descriptive study. (published in Vol.1, No.4 July 2009 Journal of Al-Anbar University of Medical Sciences. P31-35)

Treatment of perniosis with oral  nifedipine in comparison  with topical 5% minoxidil solution in Iraqi patients. Single blind comparative study. (published in Vol.2, No.1 August 2010 Journal of Al-Anbar University of Medical Sciences. P40-46)

Treatment of moderate acne vulgaris with 20 milligram isotretinoin per a day in Iraqi patients. (published in Vol.23(3), July 2010 Iraqi Journal of community Medicine P201-203).

Laboratory Findings in Acute Ordinary Urticaria in AL-Ramadi City (Accepted in 22-6-2011Tekrik Journal of pure Sciences, published 17(4)2012 ).

Treatment of Facial Vitiligo by Topical Tacrolimus 0.1% in the Iraqi Patients. (Accepted in 2011 Iraqi Journal of community Medicine, published vol.25 (3)july-2012)

Fixed drug eruption. Etiology and Clinical presentations(accepted in 3-4-2014 The Iraqi Medical Journal, published )

Socio-epidemiological study of viral skin disease among school children in heet district

Role of Friendly Kissing in Molluscum Contagiosum Infection of the Face.

Study of paronychia as risk factor of diabetic patients in Ramadi province



Detection of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Based on ITS1 Gene by PCR-RFLP Technique




المحاضرات العلمية

السلسل المادة اسم المحاضرة المرحلة التحميل مشاهدة
1 الامراض الجلدية (Dermatitis) Eczema الخامسة
2 الامراض الجلدية Dermatosis Due to Physical factors الخامسة
3 الامراض الجلدية Skin Manifestations of Systemic Diseases الخامسة
4 الامراض الجلدية Skin Tumors الخامسة
5 الامراض الجلدية Urticaria& Angiodema الخامسة

الشهادات الاكاديمية

M.B.Ch.B. College of Medicine University of Anbar  Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research IRAQ 1998-1999

F.I.B.M.S. Fellow of Iraqi Board for Medical Specializations in Dermatology and Venereology, Baghdad IRAQ  2006.


لا يوجد اشراف


Clinical dermatology, laser therapy, skin cancer, acne vulgaris, Atopic dermatiti