A seminar organized by the Department of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering to discuss research Projects

A seminar organized by the Department of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering to discuss research Projects


The Department of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering held the College of Engineering an electronic seminar on Thursday 23/7/2020 to discuss graduate research projects for students of preliminary studies «fourth stage» in the department for the academic year 2019/2020, as part of the requirements for completion of graduation. Under the supervision of the teacher, Dr. Omar Mustafa Hussein, head of the department, and Mr. Khaled Jamal Hamed, the course's rapporteur.

Where all the department’s teachers participated in the discussions according to a well-known and streamlined schedule, through the movement of teachers between the seminar halls for the groups of project students through the Google meet.

It is worth noting that the number of students of the fourth stage (36) students were divided into (9) groups.

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