Scientific article Assistant  by Professor Dr. Nidal Ibrahim Latif

Scientific article Assistant by Professor Dr. Nidal Ibrahim Latif

The first generation - the secret of making life
The cell of the living organism is the basis for the miracle of life on earth. All living things are either composed of one or more cells that were created in a miraculous system and a tight measure. This cell is only generated from a living cell that preceded it in creation and existence, and all material scientific efforts have failed in Creating a single cell, in each cell lies the secret of life and the greatness of the Creator, Glory be to Him, and this is what we will live within the following lines:

In the past, the materialists and Darwinists were the owners of the theory of chance, randomness, mutation, natural selection, and those who denied the existence of God. They looked at the secret of life with a limited and ignorant view, so they divided cells according to their whims and scientific shortcomings into primitive, despicable cells, and great advanced cells, but it has been proven by modern science that the least cell in existence carries The same miraculous qualities of the greatest cell from their point of view.

The amoeba cell is more complex in its programming than the brain cells of the greatest space scientist in the world, as the brain cells are unable to nourish themselves, reproduce, regenerate and adapt, while the amoeba cell nourishes itself and renews its parts if damaged and adapts by itself to the most difficult external environmental conditions, while the brain cells fail to do so by themselves.

Human embryogenesis is the process of cell division and differentiation of the fetus that occurs during the early stages of development. In the language of biology, human growth continues to evolve from the single-celled zygote to the mature human. Fertilization occurs when the sperm cell succeeds in entering and merging with the egg cell, and the genetic material of the sperm and egg combine to form a single cell called the zygote, and then the germinal stage of prenatal development begins. The stages of fetal development cover the first 8 weeks of growth, and at the beginning of the ninth week, this embryonic embryo is called Embryo as a live fetus Human embryology is the study of this development during the first 8 weeks after fertilization. The normal period of pregnancy is 9 months or 38 weeks.

The germ stage refers to the time from fertilization to the development of the fetus until its implantation in the womb is complete. The germ stage takes about 10 days. During this period the zygote - defined as an embryo because it contains the full set of genetic material - begins to divide in a process called mitosis. Then a blastocyst forms and implants in the uterus. The stages of embryo development continue to the next stage, which is gastrulation, when the three budding layers of the embryo are formed.

n a process called tissue formation, then the processes of nervous formation and organogenesis follow. The fetus at that time is called the living fetus in the prenatal development, usually at the beginning of the ninth week. Compared to the germ embryo, the living embryo has recognizable external features and a more complete set of developing organs. The entire process of embryogenesis involves spatiotemporal changes in gene expression, cell proliferation and cellular differentiation



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