How to improve plant in the simplest method

How to improve plant in the simplest method


There are many methods of plant breeding and differed according to the different types of plants and methods of pollination and reproduction. Selection is one of the oldest breeding methods practiced by humans to improve plants. Selection, whether natural or artificial by humans, is a process through which plants with favorable traits can be isolated in a heterogeneous population to increase the genetic frequency  of those traits.  Several factors are  influenced by the action of selection, including:

- Selection Intensity: It is the percentage of selected plants out of the total plants, and the higher the intensity of selection, the better and stronger the role  of selection.

- Number of genes controlling the trait, increasing gene  number decreases  selection act, and vice versa because the increase in the number of genes makes the environmental effects very high.

-Genetic variations represent important condition for selection intensity that might be high and gene pairs low, but the act of selection is little, and  this is due to the absence of variations among  population members.
 Recently a new and effective method of selection called honeycomb selection, which was discovered in the seventies of the last century and proved its effectiveness in improving many qualitative and quantitative characteristics in plants to become the most effective selection methods. When the plant is selected under a high density and gives a good yield it means  selection is effective (theory of survival of the fittest ). However, the Honeycomb Method (HM) indicates that if plants are planted at wide distances (according to the species), the selection is more accurate to show the action of the additive gene because the plants will already be independent of the effect of plant density (population independent ). In order to increase the efficiency of selection, it is necessary to take into consideration the control plant microclimate(internal  growth factors), otherwise the selection becomes useless.
 Despite the great development in the  ( HM) , improving plant yield is still a problem in the way of selection in all its methods. The arithmetic mean of the result was used to estimate or describe the genetic inputs based on their field performance rate. It is a measure of th genotype  ability to give the yield and the stability of performance over the years, but the best thing is to use the phenotypic standard deviation σP as a criterion for describing or estimating the stability of performance, which is the most likely to increase the selection action under low plant density. Therefore, σP was adopted as a first criterion for high yield selection and to develop of active inbred lines by selection favorite  genes and with a productive capacity comparable to the hybrid from which it was derived. The beehive selection technique provides the possibility of inheriting quantitative traits (such as the yield) that the traditional selection methods are unable to achieve due to the low yield across the selection cycles as a result of internal education resulting from self-pollination through the selection cycles. The beehive selection method has overcome this problem and provided other possibilities for the breeder who can summarize it is as follows :

1- Selection without competition, which is effective because of reducing the hidden effects of the negative correlation between competition and the ability to show the increasing of arithmetic mean of the trait (X¯) by reducing the coefficient of variation (CV%).

2- Increasing the genetic frequency of  favorite traits in the community, which is obtained when severe selection intensity is exercised (1% or 2%), and deleterious  genes are also excluded.

3- Evaluation of genotypes under different environments to determine the extent of the stability of genotypes in early stages of production under biotic and abiotic environmental stress factors.

4- Providing a package of designs that allow the breeder to benefit from the positive effects of increasing planting distances in increasing the efficiency of selection.

5- The possibility of analyzing the yield into its basic components and knowing most of these components is related to the total yield to be an effective criterion for selection and prediction of the higher yield.

6- Continuous selection of the yield and its quality, minimizing the effect of deleterious genes, maintaining breeder seeds and keeping them in an ideal and pure condition through the generations.

Plant distribution method:

The plants are distributed at wide distances in a geometrical way, as the plants take in their positions the corners of an equilateral triangle, and each plant within the cell is surrounded by six neighboring plants around it. The production of the moving loop can be expressed from the center outwards. ( ????? ). The distribution of plants at spaced distances makes the sample taken representative and independent of the surrounding plants, and it enables to overcome the harmful effects of soil heterogeneity in its different properties and is useful in selecting between and within the different genotypes. Each hexagon represents a replicate   containing 7 plants equidistant from the plant in the center of the hexagon.

Plants are planted in a hexagonal shape like beehive, and good plants are self-pollinated, whether they are self-pollinating or mixed-pollinated, and it is  suitable for vegetative propagation plants. The action of the additive  gene is dominant. Plants are grown over wide distances symbolized by( (d) as for the distance between the planting lines, it is extracted from the equation (d√ 3/2) or ( 0.886 d *) , where( d ) represents the distance between one plant and another. In maiz, cotton and sorghum, the distance between one plant and another is 1-1.5 meters, while in cucurbits, the distance is 2-2.5 meters. The number of replicates in the selection program is 50-200, and each replicate contains six plants that take the shape of the hexagonal eye of the beehive.





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