

Wednesday 6. April/ 2022

as part of the plan for the follow-up of graduate students in the Department of Horticulture and Landscaping for their research projects to determine the stages of completion, the graduate students presented two seminars Doctoral student Fuoad Noori Mohammed presented a seminar entitled Breeding some quantitative and qualitative traits in snake cucumber by Honeycomb selection, under the supervision of Prof Dr. Maath Mohey Mohammed Shareef, the student explained during the seminar the importance of using selection methods to improve the vegetable cultivars. Master's student Ahmed Bader Mohammed presented a seminar entitled Effect of soil mulch and application of NAA on growth and yield of Brocoly under the supervision of Prof Dr. Omer Hashem Mosleh. The student explained the importance of using growth regulators and soil mulching in growth and yield of Brocoly. During the seminar, a detailed discussion took place, in which the professors of the department who hold high scientific titles, as well as the postgraduate students in the department, participated.

Media division / Collage of Agriculture/ University of Anbar







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