scientific workshop


Wednesday 20. April/2022

Within the cultural season in the Department of Food Sciences and under the generous sponsorship of the Dean of the College of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Idham Ali Abed. The Department of Food Sciences/ College of Agriculture- Anbar University, in cooperation with the Department of Food Sciences at the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences - University of Baghdad, held a scientific workshop entitled Effect of some drinks and foods on human health - respiratory system, in which Prof. Dr. Nedal Mohamed Saleh and Ass. cultural  Nor Taleb Kalel. The workshop dealt with the role of Coffee and tea the most widely consumed beverage globally and a major source of caffeine it is possible that they will have an impact on the respiratory system. Regardless of the manifestations of hypersensitivity associated with green coffee, coffee consumption can have a beneficial effect on bronchospasm. Caffeine is absorbed from the stomach and reaches its highest levels in the bloodstream within one to two hours. Recently, the market for products containing caffeine has increased, especially energy drinks, whether it has a positive or negative impact on the health of the central nervous system.

Media division / Collage of Agriculture/ University of Anbar



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