field visit / master's student in field crops department

field visit / master's student in field crops department


The committee formed under administrative order No. 837 on 8/6/2022 visited a field on 12/6/2022 to conduct research for a master's student (Khaled Jamal Nasser) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Moaed Hadi Ismail and the port at the research station 2. The committee consisted of Assist. Prof. Zeyad Abdel Jabbar Abdel Hamed, Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdul Samad Hashem Naan, and Dr. Yassin Abdel Ahmed. The committee provided the student with some suggestions for achieving the desired research outcomes. Best wishes to the student and the supervisor for their efforts.

Media division / Collage of Agriculture/ University of Anbar





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