Publishing a scientific research in an International Scientific Journal

Publishing a scientific research in an International Scientific Journal


Headed by Prof. Ayoob Obaid Mohammad, Head of Plant Protection Department in our college, a scientific team that included local, Arab and international researchers succeeded in publishing scientific research titled " Epigenetic variation as a new plant breeding tool: A review " in an international journal:

Journal of King Saud University - Science (ISSN: 1018-3647)

 The  journal is indexed by Clarivate with an impact factor of: IF=3.829, Scopus with a Cite score=5.3, and within the first quartile in a Scimago=Q1 ranking. The journal is hosted by Elseiver publishing and ScienceDirect platform.

The research aims to define the importance of new emerging Epigenetics, which has recently played a major role in evaluating performance of various genotypes, to give another dimension that goes beyond genetic variations that originate from the different sequence of nitrogen bases of DNA. The research sheds light on the possibility of exploiting this dimension of variation in its many forms, and harnessing it in the field of plant breeding within what is known "Plants Memorize".

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