Contribution in Dissertation

Contribution in Dissertation

 Monday: 10th, October /2022

Asst. Prof. Dr.Hazem S. Abedalhammed, staff in our college in animal production Dept. contributed as a member of discussion committee of master student Fatima Mohamed AbdulJabar, College of Agricultural - University of AlMuthana, animal production Dept. for his thesis tagged Effect if adding different of safflower seed powder on some productive and physiological traits to the diets of common carp. After the scientific discussion, and the introduction of the amendments that were proposed by the members of committee to the subject the committee suggested accepting thesis with satisfactory degree. Asst. Prof. Dr. Hazem S. Abedalhammed rreceived an acknowledgement letter from the Dean for his effective role in amending the Dissertation. All the best for our academics' staff

 Media division / Collage of Agriculture/ University of Anbar





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