Contribution in Dissertation

Contribution in Dissertation

 Sunday 16th, October /2022

Prof. Dr. Ali Abbas Kadhum, staff in the Soil Sciences and Water Resources dept. in our college, contributed as a member of discussion committee of master student Mohammed Tariq Azez, College of Agricultural engineering sciences  - University of Baghdad, Horticulture and garden engineering garden Dept. for his thesis tagged The role of organic and biological fertilizers in the growth of three origins of citrus. After the scientific discussion and the amendments that were proposed by the members of committee to the subject, the committee suggested accepting thesis with satisfactory degree. Prof. Dr. Ali Abbas Kadhum received a thanks and appreciation letter from the Dean of the College for his effective role in enriching the discussion with all that is new and related to the subject. All the best for our academics' staff.

Media division / Collage of Agriculture/ University of Anbar




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