Practical Courses in Soil Sciences and Water Resources Department

Practical Courses in Soil Sciences and Water Resources Department


In implementation of the directives of the Deanship of the College of Agriculture represented by Prof. Dr. Idham Ali Abed, the respected Dean of the College, to continue developing the students’ skills and obtaining more required practical experiences in the various scientific disciplines and under the supervision of the Head of the Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources, Prof. Dr. Waqas Mahmood Abdulatif. This morning, a field experiment was conducted of soil principles subject, which was carried out by students of the second stage (morning study) to estimate soil texture. The experiment took place in the presence of the lecturer of the subject, Dr. Haneen Shartoh. The experiment was well received by the students, who always interacted with this type of experiment, which puts them early on the right practical path.




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