Seminars / Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources

Seminars / Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources

Within the scheduled syllabus for the current academic year, graduate students in the Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources presented three seminars. Doctoral student “Muhammad Hamid Niama” presented a seminar entitled The “Effect of Gypsum Content on the Physical Characteristics of Soil”, in which the researcher explained the role of gypsum in improving the physical properties of soil in addition to the best level of addition is based on laboratory analysis .A master's student, “Ammar Farag Ali”, also presented a seminar entitled “Foliar Fertilization of Olive Trees”. The researcher demonstrated the importance of foliar fertilization with nutrients in improving production, both quantitatively and qualitatively.Then, a master's student, “Mohamed Hatem Obeid”, presented a seminar entitled “Technology in Irrigation Service”, in which he explained the role of modern technological methods used in irrigation by reducing water losses and increasing the efficiency of water use. During the seminar, a detailed discussion took place, in which the staff of the department and graduate students participated. All the best to our dear students. May Allah Bless Them All.






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