The Dean meets the students of the third and fourth stage

The Dean meets the students of the third and fourth stage


The Dean meets the students of the third and fourth stage
In a series of meetings with teachers and students of the college, the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Oweid Ghadeer Al-Obaidi, met with the students of the third and fourth stages. The students were urged to adhere to the official level and to improve the scientific level. Commitment to university values ​​and the promotion of scientific, literary and artistic talents and their development. The Dean also focused on the need to pay attention to the University Day on the 23 rd of this month and the need to show the college with the best fit and the importance of the occasion mentioned. He stressed the need to strengthen the practical side of the study to graduate trained technical cadres capable of managing agricultural projects.
Faculty of Agriculture - Anbar University

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