An Electric Workshop Presented by Assist. Prof. Ali Ameen Yasin

An Electric Workshop Presented by Assist. Prof. Ali Ameen Yasin

Supporting of the campaign of (Stay at Home), department of food sciences held a workshop entitled (Our Food System and its Role in Anti - Fatness During Quarantine) presented by Assist. Prof. Ali Ameen Yasin using Google Hangouts Meet.

The main aspect of the workshop were the influences of Corona Virus (COVID19) , the ways and manners used by states of the world  to reduce its human victims , the role of quarantine in increasing our bodies weights and how to set a healthy food system to overcome the problem of increasing weight during staying at home .

The instructor recommended that the necessity of the healthy sleeping which is eight hours a day, be quiet, and avoiding tension.

In addition to have food enriched with Protein and fibers, avoiding food enriched with sugar and oil. Also do sports exercises, and assisting on having much vegetables with three meals and one as a main meal, importance of fasting and never repeat meals which may increase insulin of blood and renew probiotic in our bodies.


College of Agriculture Media/University of Anbar

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