Discussion at Soil Sciences and Water

Discussion at Soil Sciences and Water


Wednesday 23 June 2021

According to the agreement between university of Anbar - college of Agriculture and university of Salahaddin /Erbil - college of Agricultural sciences engineering which includes the scientific involvement between the teaching staff in scientific activities, college of Agriculture/ university of Anbar witnessed a public dissertation of Ph.D student Wisam Ahmed Abd Aftan at the department of soil sciences and water resources to his dissertation which entitled ( A Comparison Between Phosphate Gypsum And Humic Acids To Treat And Wash Salted Soil And Its Affect In Growing The Yellow Corn)

The commit of discussion included:

1. Prof. Dr. Esam Khudhair Hamzah / college of agriculture - university of Anbar - chairman

2. Prof. Dr. Akram Othman Ismail /college of agricultural sciences engineering - university of Salahaddin - a member

3. Prof. Dr. Hussan Mahmoud Shukri / University of Nahrain - college of biological techniques - a member

4. Assist. Prof. Dr. Adel Hais Abdual Gafour / college of Agriculture- University of Anbar - a member

5. Prof. Dr. Akram Abdul Latif Hussan / college of Agriculture - university of Anbar - supervisor

The study aims at affecting different types of Phosphate Gypsum and Humic Acids in moving and distributing salts in soil and make a comparison with salt trading treatment in addition to specify the best type of it.

The recommendations were good and important to industry salt treatment by using available substances in nature and when preparing and using in salt soil treatment would summarize a lot of efforts and time in soil reclamation. Moreover, it provides a huge amount of water which used in reclamation. As a matter of fact, using these substances and recycling them would reduce the pollution in Environment which result from their accumulating in huge amount in their spots. Thus, the industrialization of salt treatment from those substances has a great economical income. The acceptance of dissatisfaction after doing corrections which recommended by the discussion commit.

Congratulations for the student and his supervisor.

Media section / Collage of Agriculture/ University of Anbar


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