A viva of PhD dissertation in Field of Horticulture

A viva of PhD dissertation in Field of Horticulture

Wednesday 7. July. 2021

The dissertation defense was held on the College of Agriculture by presence of the Dean Prof. Dr. Idham Ali Abd, where PhD. Candidate (Yasir Sayel Sekhi) defended his dissertation entitled (Induction of genetic variants and their exploitation of salinity stress tolerance in some varieties of Fragaraia ananasasa Duch. in vitro). The examining committee members:

1.    Prof. Dr. Ahmed Fatkhan Zabar / Chairman - Internal examiner

2.    Prof. Dr. Falah Hassan Issa / External examiner

3.    Assist. Prof. Dr. Lamia Khalifa Jawad / External examiner

4.    Assist. Prof. Dr. Atheer Mohammed Ismail / Internal examiner

5.    Assist. Prof. Dr. Sarab Abdulhadi Mohammed AlMukhtar / External examiner

6.    Prof. Dr. Rasmie Mohammed Hamad / Supervisor

7.    Assist. Prof. Dr. Shamil Ismail Neamah / Co-Supervisor

The study aimed to determine the ability of some chemical mutants such as (Dimethyl sulfate and Acridine orange) to cause genetic variations of strawberry and to compare its behavior under different levels of salt stress by studying some physiological and biochemical mechanisms in vitro, as well as identifying it.

Results were important in such field of study and valuable. Dissertation has been accepted with minor corrections, congratulations for the student and his supervisors.

Media Division / Collage of Agriculture/ University of Anbar


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