Starting of post-graduation Examination - Second Attempt University of Anbar - College of Agriculture

Starting of post-graduation Examination - Second Attempt University of Anbar - College of Agriculture


Saturday 11Sep. 2021

Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Idham Ali Abed, Agriculture College dean, the final examinations of higher studies have started at the college of Agriculture / University of Anbar.  Prof. Dr. Mohammed Qais, director of post-graduation student/ university of Anbar has visited our college to view examination halls which were provided by our staff with safety equipment’s and he appreciated all the efforts of the Agriculture deanship and its commitments of the university presidency to take into consideration the conditions of safety and health in addition of the efforts of the Agriculture college to make attendance. It is worth mentioning that the examinations will be going on for two weeks. Wishing success to our students

Media section/College of Agriculture /University of Anbar




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