A Meeting of Plant Protection Department Board

A Meeting of Plant Protection Department Board


Sunday 17/10/2021

The first meeting of the council of the Plant Protection Department for the academic year 2021-2022 was held on Sunday under the chairmanship of the Head of the Plant Protection Department, Prof. Ayoob Obaid Mohammad in the presence of all the department's teachers. Staff members were informed of the latest directives approved by the honorable University and College Councils. Staff was urged to adhere in person and electronic attendance according to the announced timings, especially the practical aspect, to achieve the maximum possible benefit and refining the students' experimental skills.

The staff was directed to the need to move towards scientific and discreet publication and work on marketing the scientific outputs to the beneficiaries through applied research, in addition to active participation in seminars and discussion panels.

Media section / College of Agriculture / University of Anbar










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