A field visit for an MSc student

A field visit for an MSc student


Monday 18/10/2021

Within follow-up program for postgraduate students in Soil and water resources Department, committee formed under Administrative Order No. 1469 on 10/12/2021, has visited field study of MS.C. Student (Omar Adel Mohammed).  Supervision by Prof. Dr. Mahmood H. Munajed. The study takes place in the first researches station belong college of agriculture / university of Anbar.

The committee consisted of Prof. Dr. Faozi Mohsen Ali, Prof. Dr. Waqas Mahmood Abd Allatief and Prof. Mohammed Ubaid sallom, committee made some observations to student, who aims to obtain desired results from research... All best to student and supervisors.

Media section / College of Agriculture / Anbar University




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