


Monday 13/12/2021

The department of animal production for first semester of year 2021-2022 and in presence of prof. dr. thafer thabt Mohammad, head of department, and Assit. prof. dr. ammar rahem mansoor who responsible for seminars for doctoral students and the academic staff in department. Postgraduate student (omar mahmoud khalaf) presented a seminar entitled " Effect of light on the productive and physiological performance of broilers”, which is among requirements of first semester for PhD and master’s students. The student provided a detailed explanation of the "Evaluation of the performance of light in the secretion of hormones that control part of the growth, productive and physiological performance of poultry” capacity. During the seminar, a detailed discussion has been token, in which staff of department, graduate students, participated.

Media division / Collage of Agriculture/ University of Anbar




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