Establish a strong and sustainable partnership between academic institutions, the private sector and professional associations

Establish a strong and sustainable partnership between academic institutions, the private sector and professional associations

 According to the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Presidency of Anbar University, in order to establish a strong and sustainable partnership between academic institutions, the private sector, and professional unions, and to make academic programs more suitable for the labor market, the Industrial Advisory Board was formed at the College of Engineering / Anbar University. The board includes a group of academics and non-academics.

Today, the board held its first meeting under the chairmanship of the respected Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Amir Abdulrahman Hilal. The meeting discussed the following:
- Introducing the board and its main tasks, along with discussing the vision, mission, and objectives of the board.
- Discussing ideas and visions that would qualify students and equip them with the advantages of the labor market.
- Creating job opportunities for graduates.
- Developing curricula and study programs at our college to meet the requirements of the labor market.
- How scientific research directly serves the community.

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