The Ministerial Committee for Quality Assessment of Laboratories visits the Faculty of Engineering

The Ministerial Committee for Quality Assessment of Laboratories visits the Faculty of Engineering


The Ministerial Committee for Quality Assessment of Laboratories visits the Faculty of Engineering


The ministerial committee to evaluate the quality of educational laboratories in universities visited Thursday, 4/4/2019, Faculty of Engineering - Anbar University.

The committee conducted a field tour accompanied by the Dean of the College, the heads of the scientific departments and the director of the Quality Assurance Department in the laboratories, and met with the cadres working in it, and was briefed on the level of readiness and preparation for the evaluation and the conditions of safety and safety.

During the round, the evaluation forms were checked and matched in each laboratory as required in the terms and conditions of the ministerial audit and evaluation.


The Committee expressed its great satisfaction with the arrangement and organization of the laboratories and its readiness, despite all the difficult conditions and destruction that have afflicted the university in general and the college and its laboratories in particular.

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