The College of Engineering invites to participate in the engineering research axis within a scientific conference in UK

The College of Engineering invites to participate in the engineering research axis within a scientific conference in UK


The College of Engineering invites to participate in the engineering research and sustainable engineering axis within a scientific conference to be held in the United Kingdom


The Deanship of the College of Engineering at Anbar University announces its participation in the topic marked:

((Engineering and sustainable development))

Within the scientific conference under the title:

Developments in E-Systems Engineering DeSE2020

Robotics, AI, Sensors, Data Science, Industry 4.0

Which will be held for the period from:


13-17 December 2020 / England, UK


The deadline for receiving research to participate in the special theme will be September 15, 2020.

It is worth noting that there is a 25% reduction in the participation fees for researchers from the faculty and graduate students from the college ...

For more, below the link for the axis:…/

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