Vision, mission, goals / branch of surgery
- Vision- to achieve excellence and raise the level of surgical education to create a highly skilled staff. - Mission- teaching medical students to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for a life full of learning and personal development and their contribution to society and the advancement of knowledge through research and scholarship with international reputation and provide graduates skills appropriate to the needs of the community. - Goals - 1. Provide medical students with the concepts of the art and science of surgery. 2. Train students in surgery to a level they can practice surgery safely and in accordance with the dictates of conscience, initially under the supervision of their fellow surgeons. 3. The introduction of modern technologies in the training of students. 4. Educate the students according to the latest developments in the science of surgery. 5. Supplying health institutions a qualified staff. 6. To achieve a high level of time-less without compromising type. 7. Attract scientific talent from other ministries to supplement the educational system in the branch.