Vision, mission, goals / branch of internal medicine
- Vision - The department works to build up concepts and basis for theoritical and practical domains in internal medicine and to raise the accademic and scientific level among students. - Mission - The department works to build up and improve the quality of clinical skills of students to make them ready and capable to deal with common and emergency clinical conditions and to apply principles in primary health care. - Goals - 1. Comprehensive training to graduate students as doctors who are fully capable to; diagonise and treat common and emergency medical conditions efficiently and to emphasise on improvement in the standerd of community health program of clinical and theoratical. 2. Training of post graduate students to get the degree of deplomate in medicine who will work in the hospitalsas specialist with an ambition to extend this programme to include training of board students in the future. 3. Encouragment and improvement of scientific researches. 4. Supervision on clinical and scientific researches of post graduate students and to offer advices to these students to achieve and complete these researches on scientific and ethical basis. Promotion of shared cooperations with other departments of the college and national health and community organisation and institutes.