Does Orf- Pacha Boil Affect Housewives

Does Orf- Pacha Boil Affect Housewives


Does Orf- Pacha Boil Affect Housewives?

Thamir Abdulmajeed Alkubaisi, FIBMS( Dermatology)

Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, University of Anbar; Ramadi, Al-Anbar, Iraq

Orf is a disease caused by Parapox virus. It affects butchers, farmers, shepherds, and veterinarians. In some Arab countries, housewives purchase sheep's head and trotters for cooking Pacha dishes. This case-control study including 70 patients with Orf disease and 80 control individuals were carried out in Anbar, Iraq, from August 2018 until April 2020. The mean (±SD) age was 39.8±8.9 years, 20% were males, and 80% were females. Orf disease was highly significantly found in housewives, 80% than butchers 20%. About three-quarters of patients had preceded mild trauma by broken sheep's head and trotters. Two third of patients acquired disease after Eid events. Self-healing occurred within six weeks. In conclusions: after Eid events, Pacha boil (Orf) affects housewives who had unprofessional handling of Pacha without protective measures.

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