The Continuing Education Unit at the College of Medicine organizes a symposium on academic promotions and application mechanisms

The Continuing Education Unit at the College of Medicine organizes a symposium on academic promotions and application mechanisms

 The Continuing Education Unit at the College of Medicine organizes a symposium on academic promotions and application mechanisms.”

The Continuing Education Unit at the College of Medicine, Anbar University, held a symposium entitled “The correct context in the mechanism of applying for academic promotions” on Sunday, November 5, 2023.
The symposium included valuable lectures from Professor Dr. Akram Shaker Mahmoud, Chairman of the Central Promotions Committee at Anbar University, and Professor Dr. Mahdi Saleh Shalal Al-Hiti, Head of the Human Anatomy Branch at the College of Medicine / Anbar University.
The symposium focused on the details of the scientific promotions law and the system and mechanism of promotions for various scientific titles. The focus was also on how to access and identify accredited journals, especially those classified in the Q1 and Q2 categories, in addition to explaining the publishing mechanisms in these journals.

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