The College of Pharmacy Council held the first session for the academic year 2023-2024 on Sunday, October 15, 2023, headed by the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Assistant Professor Dr. (Atheer Khalaf Zgair), and in the presence of all ladies and gentlemen members of the Council. The meeting began with a welcoming speech by the President of the Council to the attendees and then Begin by discussing the inclusions of the business paper.

The session included discussing and circulating the instructions issued by the esteemed President of the University and some other directives issued by the Deanship of the College. The session also included hosting the Honorable President of the Anbar Pharmacists Syndicate, the respected pharmacist Dr. (Abdul Razzaq Hamid Khalaf), to discuss ways of joint cooperation between the two institutions in the interest of students and graduates.

Then the Council continued to consider the items in its work paper, including those related to the new academic year and some scientific affairs, to make the appropriate decisions and recommendations for that.



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