The Dean of the college, Prof. Dr. Muwaffaq Asaad Al-Heeti, met with the students of the first stage(evening studies)

The Dean of the college, Prof. Dr. Muwaffaq Asaad Al-Heeti, met with the students of the first stage(evening studies)

The Dean of the college, Prof. Dr. Muwaffaq Asaad Al-Heeti, met with the students of the first stage(evening studies) in the college's gardens, where the wonderful and comfortable atmosphere established by the deanship of the college and listened to the problems and obstacles that may face them in the college or in the study.

     The meeting resulted in a number of proposals, which the Dean listened to and promised them well to implement them as soon as possible. Al-Heeti expressed his optimism to his dear students, who are the leaders of the future, and with their determination and cooperation the college progresses. At the end of the meeting, the Dean wished them success in all fields of their lives

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