Postgraduate Degrees

Postgraduate Degrees

On Thursday, 11/9/2023, a master’s student (Safaa Atallah Mukhlif) held a discussion in the large discussion hall at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Anbar University about his thesis (The effect of competitive gaming exercises, especially on some motor abilities and learning the basic skills of basketball and handball). According to the vocabulary of the fourth grade of primary school curriculum)

The committee consists of the gentlemen whose names are listed

1.    Prof. Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Suleiman - President / Anbar University.

2.    Assist. Prof.Dr Omnia Karim Hussein - Member/University of Kirkuk

3.    Assist. Prof.Dr Nasr Khaled Abdel Razzaq - Member/University of Anbar.

4.    Assist. Prof.Dr Manaf Majid Hussein - Member and Supervisor / Anbar University

 After extensive discussion by the Chairman and members of the discussion committee on the subject of the thesis, it was accepted, and in turn we congratulate the Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Anbar University, the university, all distinguished scholars and professors teaching graduate studies, and the committee. Postgraduate studies at the college and the supervisor for their contribution to preparing a new researcher to be added to their scientific output, which is full of giving, despite all the difficulties that have passed and there will be no return, God willing, and we congratulate the student. 

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