Postgraduate degrees

Postgraduate degrees

On Monday, 19/9/2023, a master's student discussion (Mohammad Ghalib Khalil Ismail)  in the Great Discussion Hall at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences /  University of Anbar.

About his thesis (The effect of two different efforts on some physical, motor and functional abilities and recovery speed for young and advanced football players)

The Committee was consisted of the following names:

1-  Prof.Dr. Labib Zoyan Masikh - Chairman /  University of Anbar

2-Assist. Prof.Dr. Riyad Mezher Khuraibet - Member /  University of Al-Mustansiriya

3- Assist. Prof.Dr. Fouad Hammad Asal - Member / University of Anbar        

4- Prof. Dr. Muwaffaq Asaad Mahmoud - Member and Supervisor /  University of Anbar

   After extensive discussion by the chairman and members of the discussion committee of the thesis topic, it was accepted.

    In our turn, we congratulate the Deanship of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at  University of Anbar and all the distinguished scientists and professors, the postgraduate studies teaching staff, the postgraduate studies committee in the college and the supervisor for their contribution in the preparation of a new researcher added to their scientific production , and we congratulate the student and his family with this scientific degree



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