Postgraduate certificates

Postgraduate certificates

On Tuesday, corresponding to 8/15/2023, a discussion was held by the master's student (Omar Aws Hammoud) in the Great Discussion Hall in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Anbar University. Players of the Baghdad/Karkh first handball team) 

 The committee is composed of the gentlemen whose names are listed 

 Prof. Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Suleiman - President / Anbar University 

 Prof. Dr. Nasr Khaled Abdul Razzaq - Member / Anbar University 

 Prof. Dr. Yacoub Youssef Abdel Zahra - Member / Al-Mustansiriya University. 

 Prof. Dr. Sondos Muhammad Saeed - member and supervisor / University of Anbar 

 After extensive discussion by the chairman and members of the discussion committee of the topic of the thesis, it was accepted. Postgraduate studies and the Postgraduate Studies Committee in the college and the supervisor for their contribution to the preparation of a new researcher to be added to their scientific output full of giving despite all the difficulties that have passed and without return, God willing, and we congratulate the student and his family for this



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