Educational lectures for graduate students

Educational lectures for graduate students

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Anbar University held educational lectures for graduate students for the Master's and Ph.D. Physical Sciences and Sports Science followed by a lecture by the teacher Dr. Yassin Ali Khalaf, which included a guide to write theses and theses for scientific disciplines and included the third lecture of Prof. Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Suleiman, which included the methods of sampling in the field Sports The Dean also attended the scientific and administrative cooperative and a number of faculty teachers as well as graduate students. For his part, the Dean of the College said that the purpose of holding such lectures is to reap more fruit in less time and effort so that we can keep up with the developed countries in the various fields of physical education as well These lectures are one of the requirements for obtaining graduate degrees in our college wishing at the same time success and success for all students to complete their scientific career Media and Public Relations Division

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