Announcement ... the date of medical and practical examinations for the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Anbar University

Announcement ... the date of medical and practical examinations for the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Anbar University


To students applying for admission to our college (morning study) for the academic year 2020/2021 (males and females). The date for medical and practical examinations will be on Tuesday, 11/24/2020 for males, and on Wednesday, 11/25/2020 for females, at nine o'clock in the morning in a building. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. The applicant students who have completed the form for admission must be submitted to the Registration Division, appearing on the date specified above, with the full sport equipment for the test. And students who did not complete the form to expedite completion and delivery of Sunday and Monday before the date of the examination in order to be able to participate in the tests.




For (males) shorts + flannel + sports shoes


For (women) track + sports shoes.


 (Deanship of the College)




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