Scientific Activities

Scientific Activities

Based on the principle of cooperation among colleges and to exchange scientific expertise and information, Prof. Dr. (Adnan Fadoos Omar) has participated in the PhD discussion committee which was discussed at the College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences / University of Tikrit for the student (Qusay Ali Mahmoud) for his dissertation entitled: (The Impact of Special Exercises in Developing Some of Muscle Strength Aspects and Muscle Balance for the Lower Parts at the Football Players). The Prof. Dr. Adnan Fadoos Omar has represented our College in a better way through his valuable constructive discussions and notes. The discussion lasted for three hours which led to the acceptance of the dissertation. Congratulations for the student and the discussion committee.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Adnan Fadoos Omar has participated in approving a title of Master thesis for the student (Bar'a Mohammed). Congratulations. 



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