It took place at the Prof. Naji Tawfiq conference hall at the Presidency of Anbar University

It took place at the Prof. Naji Tawfiq conference hall at the Presidency of Anbar University

 It took place at Prof. Naji Tawfiq's conference hall at the Presidency of Anbar University in its alternative location, College of Agriculture / Abu Ghraib. The course held by the Iraqi Center for Creativity and Development for the lecturer Dr. Ziyad Al-Hasani under the title (Personal Strategic Planning) and in cooperation with the College of Islamic Sciences and a number of faculty deans participated in the course as well as some teachers and employees at the university, and the participation of our college was represented by the Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. (Hussein Habib Musleh) And Professor (Marwan Abdel-Latif) and Professor (Yassin Ali), who attended certificates of completion of this session

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