Thursday 24th of March, 2022

Two Seminars were held in the Department of Animal Production for Master Students to Satisfy Graduation Requirements. 

The student Ali Ismail AL-Ghassani has presented the first seminar entitled " Using of Tomato Pomace or Lycopene and their Effect on Productive Performance of Broilers ". The second presenter was the student, Uday Hussein Ali for his seminar " High Using of Crude Fiber Content of Feedstuff in Broiler Rations and its Impact on Productive and Physiological Performance". While Mustafa Samir Daoud has reviewed in the third seminar on his topic "Effect of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on Physiological and Productive Characteristics of Poultry"...

Extensive scientific discussions were held in which lecturers have participated, which helped to throw light on a lot of recent research postgraduate students who were keen to take all the notes. May Allah Bless You All.

Media of Agriculture College / University of Anbar







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