Pesticide residues and food safety

Pesticide residues and food safety

       Pro.Dr.Khalid W. Ibade     

Plant Prot.

International organizations have great interest in pesticide residues existing in plants especially after pest control. represent great threat to consumer health when it used for feeding human and his animals. Pesticide residues led to the issuance of Maximum Residue Limits ( MRLS ) in the different food to maintain health and on the fluidity of food trade between countries, in addition to being considered as a main reasons for the conversion towards organic foods. MRL is defined as the maximum amount of pesticide allowed to be present on or in food, which can be consumed on daily basis via food and is not expected to negatively affect human health. Which is affected by several factors, including the treatment rate, the toxicity of the applied pesticide and degradation rate, the physical and chemical properties of pesticide, agricultural practices used,  the environmental conditions of each country, average daily food intake and the farmer's commitment with MRL. Foods differ among themselves of receiving pesticide residues, for example, green leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce and chard receive more pesticides because their surface area is large compared to other crops. And fruits with small-sized fruits, for example, like grapes, the area exposure to receiving pesticide residues is large when compared to the unit weight. In addition to fruits with a rough surface, like peaches and apricots, which retain the residual pesticide for a longer period, do not slip off pesticides of which easily as in cherries and pears with a smooth surface. Fresh vegetables and fruits that are eaten like salad which do not exposure to the cooking process, expected to contain higher residuals than the exposure vegetables. Because of high temperature important in degradation the pesticide and getting rid of it,  more than 90%. in addition the fatty parts of meat that have the ability to store pesticide residues. One of the precautions that can be taken to reduce pesticide residues and risks in food,  at the consumer level,  washing vegetables and fruits fresh with running water for enough period before eating with the use of some sterilizers  NaCl HCL NaOH  CH3COOH and Potassium permanganate, peeling and cooking whenever possible, in addition to removing the fatty parts of meat before cooking it, diversification of daily food.

As for the level of government level, put regulations and legislation to protect the consumer from the misuse of pesticides, spreading knowledge and notifying consumers about the dangers of pesticides and protection from them, confirmation on farmer commitment to MRL, reducing the use of highly toxic pesticides, adopting IPM and in addition to encouraging the use of modern pesticides friendly environmentally. 

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