College of Agriculture is discussing a master's thesis on aflatoxin B1

College of Agriculture is discussing a master's thesis on aflatoxin B1


Wednesday 19. October/ 2022

The College of Agriculture at the University of Anbar discussed this morning, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Idham Ali Abed, the respected Dean of the College of Agriculture, the master’s thesis entitled Testing the susceptibility of some plant extracts to resistance to the fungus Aspergillus flavus and the reduction of aflatoxin B1 toxin production in yellow corn for the student Sarah Dakir Ajil Department of Prevention Plant The committee consisted of:

Dr.. Khaled Wahab Abadi / University of Anbar - College of Agriculture / Chairman

Dr.. Yasser Nasser Hussein / University of Karbala - College of Agriculture / Member

Dr.. Drin Safwat Jamil / University of Baghdad - College of Agricultural Engineering / Member

Dr.. Salim Hassan Saleh / University of Anbar - College of Agriculture / member and supervisor

 Dr. Halima Sagheer Hussein / University of Baghdad - College of Agricultural Engineering / Member and Supervisor

 The thesis aims to use environmentally friendly and available materials that have a high efficiency in preventing the fungus Aspergillus flavus from producing aflatoxin B1 toxin in maize and reducing it.

Recommendations Conducting studies to purify the compounds that have an inhibitory effect on Aspergillus flavus. Conducting subsequent studies to evaluate the efficiency of the work of these compounds.

After extensive discussion by the committee members, the letter was accepted after making the corrections recommended by the discussion committee... Mubarak to the student and the supervisor.

College of Agriculture / University of Anbar Conducting subsequent studies to evaluate the efficiency of ascorbic acid against other pathogens and to indicate its compatibility with other biological resistances.

College of Agriculture / University of Anbar







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