Field visit / Horticulture and land scape department

Field visit / Horticulture and land scape department

 According to the instructions of Agriculture college deanship to develop students skills and getting scientific experiences, and follow up by prof Dr. Sameer Abed Ali the head of horticulture department ,  a committee headed by, Prof. DrRasmi Mohammed Hamad  , Prof. Dr Samee Abed Ali    , Prof. Dr Ali Ammar Esmail and Prof. Dr. Amed Fatikhan Zubar  visited the research  of  Msc. student Ahmed Omer Abdulateef Jasem which titled ( Response of orange saplings to spraying with micro elements and CPPU  )" " supervised by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Fatikhan   Zubar  which carried out in the field  of agriculture collage  .
Another committee included, Prof. Dr Hameed Hamdan Ali  , Prof. Ahmed Fatikhan  Zubar   and Prof. Dr Thamer Hameed Reja    visited the experiment of Msc student Luai Husain Ali  ) super vised by Dr Atheer Mohammed Esmaeil   which titled ( Effect of foliar application of Brassinolide and Moringa leaves extract in vegetative growth and chemical content of local lemon saplings ) which carried out in the field of agriculture collage . The committee expressed its notices and gave scientific information to the students. 





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