Teaching activities / participation in a scientific conference

Teaching activities / participation in a scientific conference


Assistant Lecturer Manaf Akram Qasim, a teacher in the Department of Food Sciences, participated in the Fifth Scientific Conference on Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, which was held by the College of Agriculture / Al-Qasim Green University for the period 23-24/11/2022 by default.. with the tagged research Improving the water holding capacity of chicken meat and reducing waste during cooking by using rhizome extracts of (Alpinia officinarum) With the participation of each of the teacher Ammar Adel Saleh and Professor Dr. Ali Amin Yassin, teachers in the Department of Food Sciences .... This research aimed to study the effect of using alcoholic extract and petroleum ether of the roots of the galangal plant and their impact on prolonging the shelf life of poultry meat and preserving the physical characteristics of the meat stored in refrigeration for periods  different.


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