Contribution in a Workshop GIZ

Contribution in a Workshop GIZ


6th. July 2021

Prof. Idham Ali Abd, the dean of the college accompanied Assist. Prof. Abood Mohammed Hazim , as a representative of university of Anbar took part in a workshop which held by the Germany's organization for plant projects developing GIZ at governor's office with the attendance of Anbar governor Dr. Ali Farahan Al Dulaimi with other agricultural offices.

The workshop displayed the most important agricultural projects that could be achieved by Anbar government and the suitable ways in succeeding them which aim at in achieving food security and providing work opportunities to the graduators of Agriculture college for both sexes , in addition to achieve Iraq view 2030 in sustainable development . Our representatives in this workshop produced many suggestions of projects which contributed in achieving the desired goals .

Blessing the exerted efforts.

Media Division / Collage of Agriculture/ University of Anbar



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