Electronic Seminar

Electronic Seminar


The Continuing Education Unit, in cooperation with the Branch of Family and Community Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, held an electronic scientific symposium entitled:

Public Health and the Role of Vitamin D in Health and Disease


Where all the lectured:

Assistant Proof.  Ban Nazim Abdel Fattah

Lach. Badia Thamer Yahya

Assistant Lach.  A vision of Abdulhadi Mohammed Abbas

It was discussed how vitamin D is manufactured in the body and parts of the body that are affected by the deficiency or increase of this important element and the extent to which it affects pregnant women and other important things, especially because of the significant impact this element has on people with the Corona pandemic.

There was a discussion between the attendees and the lecturers who moderated the seminar and the discussion Assistant Prof.  Mahasen Ali Abdul Jabbar

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