Member in the teaching staff participate in the ethics of scientific research conference in Amman

Member in the teaching staff participate in the ethics of scientific research conference in Amman

 Dr. Ahmed Khalaf Sophie ( Faculty of Medicine ,Departement of  Community Medicine )participated in the ethics of scientific research conference, which was held on 10.08.2016 in Amman attended by deans and rector (d. Omar surgeon) and his deputy (Jordan University of Science and Technology in Irbid - Jordan plus to joining the training course and workshop intensive work, which lasted for several days from 9 am until 7 pm  participants and trainees (and the number was 28 from several Arab countries) and they ask questions   with lecturers in this area from Jordan and the United States for the same subject were touched on real models to steal other research touched on how to take the university law about it. this included Thread several branches, including pharmacy, medicine, laboratories and other details for the dissemination of research has been giving lectures on Aloyaiaat, morals, research and biotechnology and research ethics in which the cloning of human beings and also touched on animals in laboratories and the ethics of dealing with it

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